Friday, March 12, 2010

In Between

This is an awkward time of year, certainly my least favorite. Remnants of snow and ice scattered, fields matted down, no new growth just yet, lots of rainy days, and everything covered in mud. But the warmer temperatures allow for a little longer play outside, which is very exciting for some little people around here.

Digging for treasures in mud puddles, you never know what you'll find.

Preparing to finish up lots of yard "work".

Spotting a pretty strip of lavender in a grey-brown field.

Upon closer inspection we discover beautiful, but razor sharp arched brambles in plum, smoke, magenta and periwinkle.

Mysterious berries all over the ground

Textural contrasts of downy cotton amongst swordlike thorns.

And hopefully this upcoming weekend, some more outdoor time.

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  1. i agree, spring can be very confusing. i hate days when the sun is out but it's absolutely freezing. can't wait for summer!

  2. Ahhh summer! I hadn't gotten that far but now I'm really starting to daydream!
