Friday, December 10, 2010

{this moment} - snow day

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  1. What bliss, the perfect excuse to snuggle and watch the flakes fall.

  2. Oh, I have been waiting for a beautiful scene like this, but it looks like we won't be getting one any time soon...too warm here.

  3. What is that? a bird house? :)
    Thanks for your visit ;)
    Have a nice weekend too.

  4. I like the way that little red stripe found its way into the monochromatic picture.
    My moment:

  5. commenting to ask something completely unrelated to your photo (gorgeous, by the way. here in southeast Texas we don't see snow). You commented on designmom's blog (link below) about how your husband built a 3 bin system with cover and shoveling area, etc. Would you mind posting pics of that? We're venturing into composting and making our own is the only thing that's going to work for our space. Just need some ideas. Thanks!

  6. Giozi - Yes, a bird house. In the spring we usually will see a little family in there, very sweet.

    livingamused - Yes, our ribboned porch posts!

    Rachel - sure! Of course it's covered in snow, but I'll take pictures this weekend.

  7. Phyllis and Denise - yes, many dread such snow, but we look forward to it each year. The air is crisp and the light changes. Really beautiful.

  8. Oh this is beautiful. I think it should be a postcard.
